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Car Accidents—2 Steps to Take Before Contacting Your Insurance Company
John Fitzpatrick Jr

Prepare Now While You Have the Time

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is true even in the case of a car accident. You might not know what to do because of the shock. This is why preparing ahead of time for such an event can be so helpful. When you do the research and have a plan in place, it’s easier to take the necessary steps when the time comes.

You can research a variety of subjects, from what to do if you’re ever pulled over, to ways to get yourself out of the car if the doors or automatic windows don’t work, even CPR in case you come upon an accident. Having such information in the back of your mind can not only help you endure, it could possibly even save a life.

2 Steps to Take Prior To Contacting Your Insurance Company after a Car Accident

While you’re doing your research on what steps to take after a car accident, you may find many insurance websites telling you that the first step to take is to call your insurance agent. There are, however, two steps you should take prior to that.

You Don’t Have To Deal With This on Your Own

Being in a car accident is scary but you don’t have to deal with it alone. Contact the law office of John C. Fitzpatrick. The lawyers here are happy to stand by your side as a pillar of support and to be your advocate as you deal with the aftereffects of the accident.

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