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Defective Product Design and Liability Cases
John Fitzpatrick Jr

Faulty Design

A product can be perfectly fabricated by the manufacturer and still end up faulty. How is this possible? If the product design is faulty, it doesn’t matter how well the manufacturer put the product together, the end result will be defective. At times, the product can even turn out to be dangerous.

We’ve seen examples of faulty product design quite a bit lately in the automobile industry. When SUVs became popular it seemed like everyone had to have one. It was soon discovered, however, that many SUVs were flipping or tipping over on curves. What was the reason? The manufacturing was completely up to par; it was the design that was faulty.

There are many other situations where the designer is liable. From the electric blanket that electrocutes users to the hammer with the head that flies off and injures someone, faulty design is nothing new.

Why You Should Argue Your Case

There are a couple of important reasons why a person should argue their case against a product designer or manufacturer.

Defective products happen sometime. No one is perfect. However, safety is the most important thing. If a designer or manufacturer keeps producing defective products more people could end up ill or injured. There is a measure of accountability and responsibility that needs to be taken seriously. Sometimes, in order for this to happen, a liability case needs to be made against the product producer. If you have purchased a defective product that has caused illness or injury, contact the law office of John C. Fitzpatrick. We’ll be happy to review your defective product liability case.

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